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Letra Música Somewhere In The Between – Streetlight Manifesto

You were gone when we found you
You were practically surrounded, you were trapped
But the opposition stalled, their blood ran cold
When they saw the look of love in your eyes
Maybe the times we had,they weren’t that bad
And everything else was part of the plan
We sang:”I don’t know where we go from here”
This is the alpha,omega,beginning and the end
And we all just idolize the dead

So you were born,and that was a good day
Someday you’ll die,and that is a shame
But somewhere in the between was a life of which we all dream
And nothing and no one will ever take that away

You had a love and that love had you
And nothing mattered,you were fine
And some will complain,they’re just bitter,what a shame
They know that loving and losing is better than nothing at all
Maybe the times we had,they weren’t that bad
And everything else was part of our path
We sang:”I don’t know where we go from here”
This is the anthem,the slogan,the summary of events
And we all just idealize the past

So you were born,and that was a good day
Someday you’ll die,and that is a shame
But somewhere in the between was a life of which we all dream
And nothing and no one will ever take that away

Yeah the times we had,they weren’t that bad
And everything else was part of the plan
We sang:”I don’t know where we go from here”
This is the alpha,omega,beginning and the end
And we all just idolize the dead

So you were born,and that was a good day
Someday you’ll die,and that is a shame
But somewhere in the between was a life of which we all dream
And nothing and no one will ever take that away

And someday soon my friend,this ride will come to an end
But we can’t just get in line againStreetlight Manifesto – Somewhere In The Between – Ouvir Música

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Tracklist Mais Tocadas - Giro Musical 2023

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