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Letra Música Failing, Flailing – Streetlight Manifesto

you say you’ve got the cure
but i don’t have a disease
and you say you’ve got the answers
but i’ve made no inquiries
and you’re failing
good god motherfucker now i see you flailing
i see you flailing
that’s right i think i do
i see you flailing away
i know it’s hard but so are you
and so am i and we’ll pull through together, together
and i said that it’s been years but i still fear
that someone dear will leave me here forever, forever and i said: hey! you’ve got to keep trying
you’ve got to keep holding onto what you’ve got
because what you’ve got it sure ain’t a lot
and hey!
everyone’s falling down
everyone’s holding out for what you’ve got
but what you’ve got, it sure ain’t a lot
and you act like it is but you know that it’s not
and even if it was, would you ever give it up?
if i told you what you had was really nothing?
yes, it’s nothing
nothing at all

so you say your life’s a bore
and i can’t quite disagree
if you judge your life by the pieces of shit that inhabit your tv
because they stand so proud, and they talk too loud
and every other word is a lie
i’ve found that everyone who is anyone is a waste of time
a waste of time

i know it’s hard but so are you
and so am i and we’ll pull through together, together
and i said that it’s been years but i still fear
that someone dear will leave me here forever, forever and i said: hey! you’ve got to keep trying
you’ve got to keep holding onto what you’ve got
because what you’ve got it sure ain’t a lot
and hey!
everyone’s falling down
everyone’s holding out for what you’ve got
but what you’ve got, it sure ain’t a lot
and you act like it is but you know that it’s not
and even if it was, would you ever give it up?
if i told you what you had was really nothing?
yes, it’s nothing
nothing at all

you won’t say nothing
you won’t say nothing
and that’s just fine

nothing (take me back to that day when i was blind)
you won’t say nothing (I would like to see your face one last time)
you won’t say nothing (take me back to that day when i was blind)
and that’s just fine (I would like to see your face one last time)

sticks and stones may break my bones
but names will never hurt me
and it’s been years but still i fear that someday they’ll desert me
oh, it’s hard, i know
when it’s time to stand alone
and no one understands you

sticks and stones may break my bones
but names will never hurt me
and it’s been years but still i fear that someday they’ll desert me
oh, it’s hard, i know
when it’s time to stand alone
and no one understands you

sticks and stones may break my bones
but names will never hurt me
and it’s been years but still i fear that someday they’ll desert me
oh, it’s hard, i know
when it’s time to stand alone
and no one understands youStreetlight Manifesto – Failing, Flailing – Ouvir Música

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