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Letra Música RPG – SiM

Let me see the light to make me feel alright
Give me some to break
Power corporation or God’s creation?
Everything is up to your final decision
Every one is bold at the beginning
But time let’em start to look for empty meaning
Do it again and again and again
Until the end of same old refrain

Cast a spell on me to change my roll
Give me X-Potion I gotta break this walls
Cast a spell on me not that clay doll
I just wanna be the one who knows everything

Under my shoes you’re gonna know what are the rules
Under my shoes you’re gonna know what are the rules
Under my shoes you’re gonna know the rules
You’re just one of the tools

If Behemoth gives ya chance to remember
Will you change your mind just before December?
Iris doesn’t smile to only majority
Don’t call numbers authority
Boys & girls, you must realize
Unfortunately you’re living in a real life
No spells, no dragons and monsters
You can’t even go against your master

Cast a spell on me to change my roll
Give me X-Potion I gotta break this walls
Cast a spell on me not that clay doll
I just wanna be the one who knows everything

Under my shoes you’re gonna know what are the rules
Under my shoes you’re gonna know what are the rules
Under my shoes you’re gonna know the rules
You’re just one of the tools

Stay controlled, stay controlled, bitch
No cheats in this real life
We can bleed to feel alive
We can breathe to feel alive
Don’t say that any more

Cast a spell on me to change my roll
Give me X-Potion I gotta break this walls
Cast a spell on me not that clay doll
I just wanna be the one who knows everything

Under my shoes you’re gonna know what are the rules
Under my shoes you’re gonna know what are the rules
Under my shoes you’re gonna know the rules
You’re just one of the toolsSiM – RPG – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

Tracklist Mais Tocadas - Giro Musical 2023

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