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Letra Música Father Christmas – Save Ferris

When i was small i believed in santa claus,
Though i knew it was my dad. and i would hang up
My stalking at christmas, open my presents and
I’d be glad.
But the last time i played father christmas i
Stood outside a department store. a gang of kids
Came over and mugged me, and knocked my reindeer
To the floor.

They said: father christmas give us some money.
Don’t mess around with those silly toys. we’ll
Beat you up if you don’t hand it over. we want
Your bread so don’t make us annoyed. give all
The toys to the little rich boys.

Don’t get my brother a steve austin outsit, don’t
Get my sister a cuddly toy, don’t want a jigsaw
Or monopoly money, we only want the real macoy.

Father christmas, give us some money, we’ll beat
You up if you make us annoyed. father christmas,
Give us some money, don’t mess around with those
Silly toys.

But give my daddy a job ‘cause he needs one. he
Gots lots of mouths to feed. but if you’ve got
One, i’ll have a machine gun so i can scare all
The kids down the street.

They said: father christmas give us some money.
Don’t mess around with those silly toys. we’ll
Beat you up if you don’t hand it over. we want
Your bread so don’t make us annoyed. give all
The toys to the little rich boys.

They said: father christmas give us some money.
Don’t mess around with those silly toys. we’ll
Beat you up if you don’t hand it over. we want
Your bread so don’t make us annoyed. give all
The toys to the little rich boys.

They said: father christmas give us some money.
Don’t mess around with those silly toys. we’ll
Beat you up if you don’t hand it over. we want
Your bread so don’t make us annoyed. give all
The toys to the little rich boys.

Have yourself a merry merry christmas, have
Yourself a good time. but remember the kids who
Got nothing, while your drinking down your wine!Save Ferris – Father Christmas – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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