Letra Música One Hit Wonderful – Reel Big Fish

Fourteen minutes and fifty-nine seconds into our
fifteen minutes of fame
When the luck runs out, I won’t wonder who’s to blame
Because nobody said they had a guaranteed way
to win the hearts of the public who are easily swayed
And just this time last year, I thought we had it mede
We were one hit wonderful
Livin’ the life, playin’ the role
We were one hit wonderful
Well, it can’t last long
They don’t love you
They just love that one song

Well, things don’t last long in life: that’s how it goes
They’ll smile and applaud, then turn up their nose
Things will shrink as quickly as they’ve grown
But it’s perfectly normal for us to ask why
The company wasn’t untrue, they just didn’t try0
And a new career is born. It will eventually die

We were one hit wonderful
Livin’ the life, playin’ the role
We were one hit wonderful
Well, it can’t last long
They don’t love you
They just love that one song
That one song…
That one song

So many lovely melodies
So many messages to convey
But they don’t care about any of these
“Play that one damn song!” is what they say

We were one hit wonderful
Livin’ the life, playin’ the role
We were one hit wonderful
Well, it can’t last long
They don’t love you
Oh, no!
We were one hit wonderful
Livin’ the life, playin’ the role
We were one hit wonderful
Well, it can’t last long
They don’t love you
They just love that one songReel Big Fish – One Hit Wonderful – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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