Letra Música Living Easy – Orange Grove

I’m high and on the rise and you can see it in these eyes
I’m lookin for some action tonight
Straight out the Caribbean, you know I drink that rum
and tonight it’s two for one
so chuck, wine, grind woman buff it til it shine
take control of mi mind come do di dutty grind
then stop on a dime. back inna di day di way we dance would be a crime
but we’re not living in the past today’s a fleckin blast
dance to the future and shake ya pretty ass
the secrets to life can’t be learned in no class
experience the love, di rest no matter
We’re livin easy
we’re livin real easy yeah
life’s short don’t give it up live it up dream it up
and make it come true
We’re livin easy
we’re livin real easy yeah
life’s short don’t give it up live it up dream it up
and make it come true

My watch keeps on ticking
it will until I’m dead
no time for turning back, you gotta be prepared
tomorrow’s a new day and you best not forget
nothing to fear nothing to dread
so chuck, wine, grind woman buff it til it shine
take control of mi mind come do di dutty grind
then stop on a dime. back inna di day di way we dance would be a crime
but we’re not living in the past today’s a fleckin blast
dance to the future and shake ya pretty ass
the secrets to life can’t be learned in no class
experience the love, and shake you’re pretty

Still high and on the rise and you can see it in these eyes
It feels like I’m floating
Straight out the Caribbean, right under that sun
Find your shade no need to run (slow it down)

We’re livin easy
we’re livin real easy yeah
life’s short don’t give it up live it up dream it up
and make it come true
We’re livin easy
we’re livin real easy yeah
life’s short don’t give it up live it up dream it up
and make it come true

We’re living easy, easy
and you should know that everytime you hold back only getting farther life’ll get harder
We’re livin easy, easyOrange Grove – Living Easy – Ouvir Música

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