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Letra Música Mr. Smiley – Mustard Plug

I remember how it used to be
And all the things you said to me
You always taught me right from wrong
(Wrong from right, right from wrong)
‘Til you went on a killing spree
And killed your family
Why is this the way, things have to be?
Tell me!

Oh Mr. Smiley
How could it be true
The things they say that they knew?
I can’t believe it! What has happened to you?
I took my time while thinking it through
Digging through facts, believing in you
Oh Mr. Smiley
Give me a clue
Why they said it was you
I can’t accept it! Tell me it’s not true
Cause you were once so good to me
Oh Mr. Smiley tell me how it could be!

You always had a smile on your face
(so big)
I never thought you’d become a criminal case
Until I saw your face on my TV
Was it just for entertainment?
Cause now you face solitary confinement
(in jail)
Why is this the way it has to be? Tell me!

Oh Mr. Smiley
How could it be true
The things they say that they knew?
I can’t believe it! What has happened to you?
I took my time while thinking it through
Digging through facts, believing in you
Oh Mr. Smiley
Give me a clue
Why they said it was you
I can’t accept it! Tell me it’s not true
Cause you were once so good to me
Oh Mr. Smiley tell me how it could be!

Oh Mr. Smiley, what has happened to you?
Oh Mr. Smiley, what has happened to you?
Tell me it’s not true!Mustard Plug – Mr. Smiley – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

Tracklist Mais Tocadas - Giro Musical 2023

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