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Letra Música Pickup Lines – Dance Hall Crashers

I opened up the door and then I walked into the bar
Through the smoky dim lit haze, I saw him from afar
Moved a little closer just to get a better view
He looked at me and smilied and said “I’m the one for you”
We’ve heard one too many over used pick up lines
Give us some credit we’re not sleazy, dumb, or blind
Saw another guy right then, his suit was tailor-made
Unfortunately so were his lines much to my dismay
Thought he had me pegged, tried to impress me with is cash
“You’d look great on my yacht” was the best line that he had
We’ve heard one too many over used pick up lines
Give us some credit we’re not sleazy, dumb, or blind

Over in the corner I saw this one all alone
Looked like Mr. Natural, the kind you would take home
Not like any of the others, this one seemed benign
At least until he opened his mouth “Hey babe, what’s your sign?”
We’ve heard one too many over used pick up lines
Give us some credit we’re not sleazy, dumb, or blind

“The other ones were complete bullshit”

Got fed up, decided to leave after one last drink
Felt a tap on my left shoulder, I started to think…
I can’t take this anymore, what will this line be?
That’s when he let his line fly “Hi, my name is Steve”
Where have you been all my life, sweet thing?
Can I buy you a drink, marry you, anything?
We’ve heard one too many over used pick up lines
Give us some credit we’re not sleazy dumb or blindDance Hall Crashers – Pickup Lines – Ouvir Música

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