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Letra Música Lose You To Love Me – Selena Gomez

You promised the world and I fell for it
I put you first and you adored it
Set fires to my forest and you let it burn
Sang off-key in my chorus ‘cause it wasn’t yours
I saw the signs and I ignored it
Rose-colored glasses, all distorted
Set fire to my purpose and I let it burn
You got off on the hurtin’ when it wasn’t yours, yeah

We’d always go into it blindly
I needed to lose you to find me
This dancing was killing me softly
I needed to hate you to love me, yeah

To love, love, yeah
To love, love, yeah
To love, yeah
I needed to lose you to love me, yeah
To love, love, yeah
To love, love, yeah
To love, yeah
I needed to lose you to love me

I gave my all and they all know it
You tore me down and now it’s showing
In two months, you replaced us like it was easy
Made me think I deserved it in the thick of healing, yeah

We’d always go into it blindly
I needed to lose you to find me
This dancing was killing me softly
I needed to hate you to love me, yeah

To love, love, yeah
To love, love, yeah
To love, yeah
I needed to lose you to love me, yeah
To love, love, yeah
To love, love, yeah
To love, yeah
I needed to lose you to love me

You promised the world and I fell for it
I put you first and you adored it
Set fires to my forest and you let it burn
Sang off-key in my chorus

To love, love, yeah
To love, love, yeah
To love, yeah
I needed to hate you to love me, yeah
To love, love, yeah
To love, love, yeah
To love, yeah
I needed to lose you to love me

To love, love, yeah
To love, love, yeah
To love, yeah
And now the chapter is closed and done
To love, love, yeah
To love, love, yeah
To love, yeah
And now it’s goodbye, it’s goodbye for us

Selena Gomez – Lose You To Love Me – Ouvir Música

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