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Letra Música After All – Peter Cetera

Well, here we are again
I guess it must be fate
We’ve tried it on our own
But deep inside we’ve know
We’d be back to set things straight
I still remember when
Your kiss was so brand new
Every memory repeats
Every step I take retreats
Every journey always
Brings me back to you

After all the stops and starts
We keep coming back
To these two hearts
Two angels who’ve been rescued
From the fall
After all that we’ve been through
It all comes down to me and you
I guess it’s meant to be
Forever you and me, after all

When love is truly right
(This time it’s truly right)
It lives from year to year
It changes as it goes
Oh, and on and on it grows
But ir never disappears

After all the stops and starts
We keep coming back
To these two hearts
Two angels who’ve been rescued
From the fall
After all that we’ve been through
It all comes down to me and you
I guess it’s meant to be
Forever you and me, after all

Always just beyond my touch
You know I needed you so much
After all, what else is livin’ for?

After all the stops and starts
We keep coming back
To these two hearts
Two angels who’ve been rescued
From the fall
After all that we’ve been through
It all comes down to me and you
I guess it’s meant to be
Forever you and me

After all the stops and starts
We keep coming back
To these two hearts
Two angels who’ve been rescued
From the fall
After all that we’ve been through
It all comes down to me and you
I guess it’s meant to be
Forever you and me
After allPeter Cetera – After All – Ouvir Música

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