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Letra Música Hold Me Till The Morning Comes – Paul Anka

Two broken hearts
Neither one knows what to say
Both falling from love
But not quite all the way
Look at us now
Reachin’ back for yesterday
Wanting to know
If the other wants to stay
After all
I’m the one who said we’re through
Now I can’t live without you, anymore
Out there lost
Is a dream that can come true
Is it worth the reachin’ for?
Don’t you need me anymore?
Hold me till the mornin’ comes
Until I see you smile
Take all the sadness from your eyes
Hold me till the mornin’ sun
Let me stay we’ve just begun
Ooh, stay with you

Where shall we start?
A tender word that we can share
And if we believe
In time we will get there
Look at us now
Wanting more than words can say
Both falling in love
But this time all the way
Out there lost
Are the words: I still love you
Are they worth the reachin’ for?
Do you love me anymore?

Hold me till the mornin’ comes
Until I see you smile
Take all the sadness from your eyes (no more)
Hold me till the mornin’ sun
Let me stay, we’ve just begun
I want to stay with you

Hold me till the mornin’ comes
Until I see you smile
Take all the sadness from your eyes (no more, no)
Hold me till the mornin’ sun
Let me stay, we’ve just begun
I want to stay with you

Would you love me in the mornin’? (Would you love me?)
Will you still be there in the mornin’? (Would you love me?)
Or would you leave without a warnin’?
Say you love me too (say you stay)

Would you love me in the mornin’? (Would you love me?)
Will you still be there in the mornin’? (Would you love me?)
Or would you leave without a warnin’? (Don’t go away)
Say you love me tooPaul Anka – Hold Me Till The Morning Comes – Ouvir Música

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