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Letra Música That’s What Love Is All About – Michael Bolton

There was the time
We thought our dream was over
When you and I
Had surely reached the end
Still here we are
The flame as strong as ever
All because we both kept holding on
We know we can weather any storm
Baby, that’s what love is all about
Two hearts that find a way somehow
To keep the fire burning
It’s something we could never live without
If it takes forever we can work it out
Beyound a shadow of a doubt
Baby, that’s what love is all about

As time goes by we’ve learnd to rediscover
The reason why this dream of our survives
Through thick and thin we’re destined for each other
Knowing we can reach the other side
Far beyound the mountains of our pride

Baby, that’s what love is all about
Two hearts that find a way somehow
To keep the fire burning
It’s something we could never live without
If it takes forever we can work it out
Beyound a shadow of a doubt
Baby, that’s what love is all about

Ooh ridin’ the good times is easy
The hard times can tear you apart
There’ll be times in your heart
When the feelin’ is gone
But you keep on believing
And you keep holdin’ on

Baby, that’s what love is all about
Two hearts that find a way somehow
To keep the dream from dying
It’s something we could never live without
If it takes forever we can work it out
Beyound a shadow of a doubt
Baby, that’s what love is all aboutMichael Bolton – That’s What Love Is All About – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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