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Letra Música Conga (feat. Miami Sound Machine) – Gloria Estefan

Come on, shake your body, baby, do the conga
I know you can’t control yourself any longer
Come on, shake your body, baby, do the conga
I know you can’t control yourself any longer
Come on, shake your body, baby, do the conga
I know you can’t control yourself any longer
Feel the rhythm of the music getting stronger
Don’t you fight it till you’ve tried it, do the conga beat

Everybody gather ‘round now
Let your body feel the heat
Don’t you worry if you can’t dance
Let the music move your feet

It’s the rhythm of the island
And like sugarcane, so sweet
If you want to do the conga
You’ve got to listen to the beat

Come on, shake your body, baby, do the conga
I know you can’t control yourself any longer
Feel the rhythm of the music getting stronger
Don’t you fight it till you’ve tried it, do the conga beat

Feel the fire of desire
As you dance the night away
Because tonight we’re gonna party
Till we see the break of day

Better get yourself together
And hold on to what you got
Once the music hit your system
There’s no way you’re gonna stop

Come on, shake your body, baby, do the conga
I know you can’t control yourself any longer
Feel the rhythm of the music getting stronger
Don’t you fight it till you’ve tried it, do the conga beat

Come on, shake your body, baby, do the conga
I know you can’t control yourself any longer
Feel the rhythm of the music getting stronger
Don’t you fight it till you’ve tried it, do the conga

Come on, shake your body, baby, do the conga
I know you can’t control yourself any longer
Feel the rhythm of the music getting stronger
Don’t you fight it till you’ve tried it, do the conga beat

Come on, shake your body, baby, do the congaGloria Estefan – Conga (feat. Miami Sound Machine) – Ouvir Música

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