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Letra Música Outlaw Heart – Tiger Army

Desert nights under lonely stars
Cruising down a highway takes me farther from home
Whiskey and regret
Neither can erase the fact that I have done wrong
So now I’m on the run
The law is on my trail
Let down the only girl that ever seemed to be the one for me
So now I wander alone

Alone in a cheap motel room
Praying to The Lord above
Burden of the past rests so heavy on my shoulders
My conscience carries the weight of blood
Cigarette smoke and shadow
A neon cactus in the night
Did what I did cause I thought that I had no choice
But there’s always another way

I look to the Moon and stars
Somewhere underneath them she’s there
Never even spoke to her the words of love I held in my heart
If she heard them now, would she still care?
Wonder if she’s thinking of me
Does she hate me for what I’ve done
How I wish that I could change everything and go back
Now that my last chance is gone, it’s gone

Moon, will you tell her for me
I’m sorry for all the trouble that I’ve caused
If only I could find a way to return to her someday
For I long to hold her in my arms
But I fear that I’m not for this world
Because I will not go out without a fight
I’m running forever, if they should catch me
One last thought of her before my gun is firedTiger Army – Outlaw Heart – Ouvir Música

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