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Letra Música Maybellene – Chuck Berry

Maybellene, why can’t you be true?
Oh Maybellene, why can’t you be true?
You done started doing the things you used to do
As I was motorvatin’ over the hill
I saw Maybellene in a Coupe DeVille
A Cadillac a-rollin’ on the open road
Nothin’ will outrun my V8 Ford
The Cadillac doin’ ‘bout ninety-five
She’s bumper to bumper rollin’ side by side

Maybellene, why can’t you be true?
Oh Maybellene, why can’t you be true?
You’ve started back doing the things you used to do

Maybellene, why can’t you be true?
Oh Maybellene, why can’t you be true?
You done started back doing the things you used to do

A Cadillac pulled up to one hundred and four
The Ford got hot and wouldn’t do no more
It done got a cloud and started to rain
I tooted my horn for the passin’ lane
The rain water blowin’ all under my hood
I knew that was doin’ my motor good

Maybellene, why can’t you be true?
Oh Maybellene, why can’t you be true?
You done started back doing the things you used to do

Oh Maybellene, why can’t you be true
Oh Maybellene, why can’t you be true
You done started back doing the things you used to do

The motor cooled down, the heat went down
And that’s when I heard that highway sound
The Cadillac a-sittin’ like a ton of lead
A hundred and ten a half a mile ahead
The Cadillac lookin’ like it’s sittin’ still
And I caught Maybellene at the top of the hill

Maybellene, why can’t you be true?
Oh Maybellene, why can’t you be true?
You done started back doing the things you used to doChuck Berry – Maybellene – Ouvir Música

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