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Letra Música I Believe – Triumvirat

I sold my soul to rock and roll
I never got it back
Though my records turning gold
You say you sold your times as well
Working five days in a row
Those eight-to-five jobs sure mean hell

It’s a gambler’s way of thinking
I scratch for gold, you’re safe and sound

But I believe (I believe), we’re gonna make it
Leave the bad years far behind
Yes, I believe (I believe), that we can take it
Steppin’ through the door ahead of time

I never seem to find the time
To do the things I plan
I just can’t figure out what’s right

You’ve got the future in your hand
Promotion in July
Those office girls at your command

You can get your satisfaction
With your wife and kids at home

But I believe (I believe), we’re gonna make it
Leave the bad years far behind
Yes, I believe (I believe), that we can take it
Steppin’ through the door ahead of time

But I believe (I believe), we’re gonna make it
Leave the bad years far behind
Yes, I believe (I believe), that we can take it
Steppin’ through the door ahead of time

Money, Money, Money, Money!

It makes the wheel of life go round
I get my pieces of the cake
You pick your crumbs up from the ground
Good lucks’ an asset that we need
So try to keep it very close
Maybe your ends will always meet

It’s a gambler’s way of thinking
I scratch for gold, you’re safe and sound

We believe, that you will make it
Leave the bad years far behind
Yes I believe (we believe), that we can take it
steppin’ through the door ahead of time

Yes I believe (we believe), we’re gonna make it
Leave the bad years far behind
Yes, I believe (we believe), that we can really take it
Steppin’ through the door ahead of time
Steppin’ through the door ahead of timeTriumvirat – I Believe – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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