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Letra Música Between The Wheels – Rush

To live between a rock and a hard place
In between time
Cruising in prime time
Soaking up the cathode rays
To live between the wars in our time
Living in real time
Holding the good time
Holding on to yesterdays

You know how that rabbit feels
Going under your speeding wheels
Bright images flashing by
Like windshields towards a fly

Frozen in the fatal climb
But the wheels of time
Just pass you by

Wheels can take you around
Wheels can cut you down
We can go from boom to bust
From dreams to a bowl of dust

We can fall from rockets’ red glare
Down to brother can you spare
Another war, another wasteland
And another lost generation

It slips between your hands like water
This living in real time
A dizzying lifetime
Reeling by on celluloid

Struck between the eyes by the big-time world
Walking uneasy streets
Hiding beneath the sheets
Got to try and fill the void

You know how that rabbit feels
Going under your speeding wheels
Bright images flashing by
Like windshields towards a fly

Frozen in the fatal climb
But the wheels of time
Just pass you by

We can go from boom to bust
From dreams to a bowl of dust
We can fall from rockets’ red glare
Down to brother can you spare
Another war, another wasteland
And another lost generation

Wheels can take you around
Wheels can cut you down
From rockets’ red glare
Down to brother can you spare
Another war, another wasteland
Another lost generationRush – Between The Wheels – Ouvir Música

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