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Letra Música Funny How Love Is – Queen

Funny how love is everywhere just look and see
Funny how love is anywhere you’re bound to be
Funny how love is every song in every key
Funny how love is coming home in time for tea
Funny, funny, funny
Funny how love is the end of lies when the truth begins
Tomorrow comes tomorrow beings
Tomorrow brings love in the shape of things
That’s what love is, that’s what love is
Funny how love is can break your heart so suddenly
Funny how love came tumbling down with adam and eve
Funny how love is running wild and feeling free
Funny how live is coming home in time for tea
Funny, funny, funny
From the earth below to the heavens above
That’s how far and funny is love
At any time, anywhere
If you gotta make love do it everywhere
That’s what love is, that’s what love is

Funny how love is everywhere just look and see
Funny how love is anywhere you’re bound to be
Funny how love is every song and every key
Funny how love is when you gotta hurry home
‘Cos you’re late for tea
Funny, funny, funny how love is
Tomorrow comes, tomorrow brings
Tomorrow brings love in the shape of things
At any time, anywhere
If you gotta make love do it everywhere
That’s what love is, that’s what love isQueen – Funny How Love Is – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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