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Letra Música Dogs – Pink Floyd

You got to be crazy
You gotta have a real need
You gotta sleep on your toes
And when you’re on the street
You got to be able to pick out the easy meat
With your eyes closed
And then moving in silently
Down wind and out of sight
You got to strike when the moment is right
Without thinking

And after a while
You can work on points for style
Like the club tie
And the firm handshake
A certain look in the eye and an easy smile

You have to be trusted
By the people that you lie to
So that when they turn their backs on you
You’ll get the chance to put the knife in

You gotta keep one eye
Looking over your shoulder
You know, it’s going to get harder
And harder and harder
As you get older

Yeah, and in the end, you’ll pack up
And fly down south
Hide your head in the sand
Just another sad old man
All alone and dying of cancer

And when you lose control
You’ll reap the harvest you have sown
And as the fear grows
The bad blood slows and turns to stone

And it’s too late to lose the weight
You used to need to throw around
So have a good drown, as you go down all alone
Dragged down by the stone

Stone, stone, stone, stone

Got to admit
That I’m a little bit confused
Sometimes it seems to me
As if I’m just being used

Gotta stay awake, gotta try and shake off
This creeping malaise
If I don’t stand my own ground
How can I find my way out of this maze?

Deaf, dumb and blind
You just keep on pretending
That everyone’s expendable
And no one has a real friend

And it seems to you, the thing to do
Would be to isolate the winner
Everything’s done under the Sun
But you believe at heart everyone’s a killer

Who was born in a house full of pain?
Who was trained not to spit in the fan?
Who was told what to do by the man?
Who was broken by trained personnel?

Who was fitted with collar and chain?
Who was given a pat on the back?
Who was breaking away from the pack?
Who was only a stranger at home?

Who was ground down in the end?
Who was found dead on the phone?
Who was dragged down by the stone?
Who was dragged down by the stone?Pink Floyd – Dogs – Ouvir Música

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