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Letra Música Beautiful – Marillion

Everybody knows that we live in a world
Where they give bad names to beautiful things
Everybody knows that we live in a world
Where we don’t give beautiful things a second glance
Heaven only knows we live in a world
Where what we call beautiful is just something on sale
People laughing behind their hands
While the fragile and the sensitive are given no chance

And the leaves turn from red to brown
To be trodden down
To be trodden down
And the leaves turn from red to brown
Fall to the ground
Fall to the ground

We don’t have to live in a world
Where we give bad names to beautiful things
We should live in a beautiful world
We should give beautiful a second chance

And the leaves fall, from red to brown
To be trodden down
To be trodden down
And the leaves turn green to red to brown
Fall to the ground
And get kicked around

You strong enough to be
Have you the faith to be
You sane enough to be
Honest enough to say
Don’t have to be the same
Don’t have to be this way
C’mon and sign your name
You wild enough to remain beautiful

And the leaves turn from red to brown
To be trodden down
Trodden down
And we all fall, green to red to brown
Fall to the ground
We can turn it around

You strong enough to be
Why don’t you stand up and say
Give yourself a break
They’ll laugh at you anyway
So why don’t you stand up and be beautiful

Black, white, red, gold, and brown
We’re stuck in this world
Nowhere to go
Turnin’ around

What are you so afraid of?
Show us what you’re made of
Be yourself and be beautiful
BeautifulMarillion – Beautiful – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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