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Letra Música The Architect – Haken

Message on a screen before me
Caught a glimpse of the ending to our story
I’m sorry I haven’t called you recently
It’s not surprising
I’ll just learn the lesson
Take some time to process the evidence
And analyze your apathy

You turned your back on affinity
now it’s turned to toxicity

Spare me your obsolete empathy
The voice of sympathy means nothing to me
Delete all obsolete memories
Shores of tranquility
My monastery

We played the game of imitation
I met your stare with blank expression
I count the years of isolation
Since you set my mind in motion

And to eliminate the silence
I calculate to cure the virus
A panacea for the poison
The solution is wrong

Well you turned your back
Turned your back on affinity
And now it’s turning to
Turning to toxicity

Spare me your obsolete empathy
The voice of sympathy means nothing to me
Delete obsolete memories
In a dying sun
I’ll become affinity

There’s a strange feeling washing over me
As if I am drifting
On the waves of a boundless sea
All embracing

Some say that time and tide will wait for no man
I stop and hold a single grain of sand
To see a world in the palm of my hand

Strive to break free from the confines of my mind
Step through the doorway of perception
To lose all sense of past and future

Omnipresent endless knot
The architect of every thought
Through the prison walls made by your design
A chameleon hides behind Orwellian eyes

Spare me your obsolete empathy
The voice of sympathy means nothing to me
Delete all obsolete memories
In a dying sun
When you’re gone
I’ll become affinity

Oh hear this vow
Tied together forever
We’ll make this dream
Last forever and everHaken – The Architect – Ouvir Música

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