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Letra Música Surrounded – Dream Theater

Morning comes too early and nighttime falls too late
And sometimes all I want to do is wait
The shadow I’ve been hiding in has fled from me today
I know it’s easier to walk away than look it in the eye
But I will raise a shelter to the sky
And here beneath this
Star tonight I’ll lie
She will slowly yield the light
As I awaken from the longest night

Dreams are shaking
Set sirens waking up tired eyes
With the light the memories all rush into his head

By a candle stands a mirror
Of his heart and soul she dances
She was dancing through the night above his bed

And walking to the window
He throws the shutters out
Against the wall
And from an ivory tower hears her call
Let light surround you

It’s been a long, long time
He’s had a while to think it over
In the end he only sees the change
Light to dark
Dark to light
Light to dark
Dark to light

Heaven must be more than this
When angels waken with a kiss
Sacred hearts won’t take the pain
But mine will never be the same

He stands before the window
His shadow slowly fading from the wall
And from an ivory tower hears her call
Let the light surround you

Once lost but I was found
When I heard the stained glass shatter all around me
I sent the spirits tumbling down the hill
But I will hold this one on high above me still
She whispers words to clear my mind
I once could see but now at last I’m blind

I know it’s easier to walk away than look it in the eye
But I had given all than I could take
And now I’ve only habits left to break
Tonight I’ll still be lying here
Surrounded in all the lightDream Theater – Surrounded – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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