Letra Música Strange Deja Vu – Dream Theater

Subconscious strange sensation
Unconscious relaxation
What a pleasant nightmare
And I can’t wait to get there again
Every time I close my eyes
There’s another vivid surprise
Another whole life waiting
Chapters unfinished, fading

Closer now, slowly coming into view
I’ve arrived, blinding sunshine beaming through

There’s a house I’m drawn to
Familiar settings nothing new
And there’s a pathway leading there
With a haunting chill in the air

There’s a room at the top of the stairs
Every night I’m drawn up there
And there’s a girl in the mirror
Her face is getting clearer
Young child won’t you tell me why I’m here?

In her eyes I sense a story never told
Behind the disguise, there’s something tearing
At her soul
Tonight I’ve been searching for it
A feeling that’s deep inside me
Tonight I’ve been searching for
The one that nobody knows
Trying to break free

I just can’t help myself
I’m feeling like I’m going out of my head
Tears my heart into two
I’m not the one the sleeper thought he knew

Back on my feet again
Eyes open to the real world
Metropolis surrounds me
The mirror’s shattered the girl

Why is this other life
Haunting me every day
I’d break through to the other side
If only I’d find the way

Something’s awfully familiar
The feeling’s so hard to shake
Could I have lived in that other world
It’s a link that I’m destined to make

I’m still searching, but I don’t know what for
The missing key to unlock my mind’s door

Today I am searching for it
A feeling that won’t go away
Today I am searching for
The one that I only know
Trying to break free

I just can’t help myself
I’m feeling like I’m going out of my head
Tears my soul into two
I’m not the one I thought I always knew

I just can’t help myself
I’m feeling like I’m going out of my head
Uncanny, strange déjà vu
But I don’t mind, I hope to find the truthDream Theater – Strange Deja Vu – Ouvir Música

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