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Letra Música Learning To Live – Dream Theater

There was no time for pain
No energy for anger
The sightlessness of hatred slips away
Walking through winter streets alone
He stops and takes a breath
With confidence and self control
I look at the world and see no understanding
I’m waiting to find some sense of strength
I’m begging you from the bottom of my heart to show me understanding

I need to live life
Like some people never will
So find me kindness
Find me beauty
Find me truth
When temptation brings me to my knees
And I lay here drained of strength
Show me kindness
Show me beauty
Show me truth

The way your heart sounds makes all the difference
It’s what decides if you’ll endure the pain that we all feel
The way your heart beats makes all the difference
In learning to live
Here before me is my soul
I’m learning to live
I won’t give up
‘Till I’ve no more to give

Listening to the city
Whispering its violence
I set out watching from above
The 90’s bring new questions
New solutions to be found
I fell in love to be let down

Once again we dance in the crowd
At times a step away
From a common fear that’s all spread out
It won’t listen to what you say
Once you’re touched and you stand alone
To face the bitter fight
Once I reached for love
And now I reach for life

Another chance to lift my life
A Free the sensation in my heart
To ride the wings of dreams into changing horizons
It brings inner peace within my mind,
As I’m lifted from where I’ve split my life
I hear an innocent voice
I hear kindness, beauty and truth

The way your heart sounds makes all the difference
It’s what decides if you’ll endure the pain that we all feel
The way your heart beats makes all the difference
In learning to live
Spread before you is your soul
So forever hold the dreams within our hearts
Through nature’s inflexible grace
I’m learning to liveDream Theater – Learning To Live – Ouvir Música

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