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Letra Música Illumination Theory – Dream Theater

Consider this question
Look deep inside
Deliver a true confession
What are you willing to live for?
Consider this question
Open your eyes
Examine your own reflection
What are you willing to die for?

When your backs’ against the wall
And the times uncertain
Consider this question
No standing by
When flesh and blood are threatened
What are you willing to kill for?

We seek to understand
We cry with hand in hand

The bridges we build to connect
The distance that makes us forget
Hate dividing us, love reminding us
Of our shared humanity

Hope can be a shadow fleeting
I would rather die believing
Capture it all in a final act of faith

We seek to understand
We cry with hand in hand

A story that needs to be told
An answer that begs to found
The beauty we wish to behold
Is never too far away

Mothers for their children
Husbands for their wives
Martyrs for the kingdom
Fighting for your life
A soldier for his country
A junkie for the high
Teachers for their students
Vengeance for a crime
Rebels for their freedom
A tyrant for the prize
Courage for salvation
Money, love, and fame

Noble embrace
Lay down our lives for the cause
Death over shame
Grace before glory

To really feel the joy in life
You must suffer through the pain
When you surrender to the light
You can face the darkest days

If you open up your eyes
And you put your trust in love
On those cold and endless nights
You will never be alone

Passion glows within your heart
Like a furnace burning bright
Until you struggle through the dark
You’ll never know the joy in lifeDream Theater – Illumination Theory – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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