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Letra Música Hollow Years – Dream Theater

He’s just the kind of man You hear about Who leaves his family for An easy out They never saw the signs He never said a word He couldn’t take another dayCarry me to the shoreline Bury me in the sand Walk me across the water And maybe you’ll understandOnce the stone You’re crawling under Is lifted off your shoulders Once the cloud that’s raining Over your head disappears The noise that you’ll hear Is the crashing down of hollow yearsShe’s not the kind of girl You hear about She’ll never want another She’ll never be without She’ll give you all the signs She’ll tell you everything Then turn around and walk awayCarry me to the shoreline Bury me in the sand (Into the waves) Walk me across the water And maybe you’ll understandOnce the stone You’re crawling under (Once the stone) Is lifted off your shoulders Once the cloud that’s raining Over your head disappears The noise that you’ll hear Is the crashing down of hollow yearsCarry me to the shoreline Bury me in the sand (Into the waves) Walk me across the water And maybe you’ll understandOnce the stone You’re crawling under Is lifted off your shoulders Once the cloud that’s raining Over your head disappears The noise that you’ll hear Is the crashing down of hollow yearsOnce the stone You’re crawling under Once the stone You’re crawling under (The sound you’ll hear,) Once the stone (the crashing) You’re crawling under (down of hollow years) Once the stone You’re crawling under Once the stone You’re crawling under Once the stone You’re crawling under (The sound you’ll hear, the crashing down of hollow years)Dream Theater – Hollow Years – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

Tracklist Mais Tocadas - Giro Musical 2023

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