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Letra Música Sweet Sounds Of Heaven (feat. Lady Gaga & Stevie Wonder) – The Rolling Stones

I hear the sweet, sweet sounds of Heaven
Fallin’ down, fallin’ down to this earth
I hear the sweet, sweetest sounds of Heaven
Driftin’ down, driftin’ down to this earth
Bless the Father, bless the Son, hear the sound of the drums
As it echoes through the valley and it bursts, yeah
Let no woman or child go hungry tonight
Please, protect us from the pain and the hurt, yeah

I smell the sweet scents (sweet)
Sweet scents of Heaven (Heaven)
Tumblin’ down (tumblin’ down)
Tumblin’ down to the earth (oh)
I hear the sweet sounds (sweet sounds)
The sweet sounds of children (ooh, the sweet sounds)
And they’re praisin’ (praisin’)
The land of their birth (no)

No, I’m not, not goin’ to Hell in some dusty motel
And I’m not, not goin’ down in the dirt (yes, yes, yes)
I’m gonna laugh (I’m gonna laugh)
I’m gonna cry (I’m gonna cry)
Eat the bread, drink the wine
‘Cause I’m finally, finally quenchin’ my thirst, yeah

You can’t have a light without a little shadow, yeah
Always need a target for your bow and arrow
I want to be drenched in the rain
Of your heavenly love, oh, yeah, come on

Let the music (let the music) play loud (play loud)
Let it burst (let it burst) through the clouds (through the clouds)
And we all feel the heat of the Sun, yeah
Yeah, let us sing
Let us shout (let us shout)
Let us all stand up proud
Let the old still believe that they’re young, yeah

Sweet, sweet sound

Sounds so sweet (oh, so sweet)
Sounds so sweet (so sweet)
Heaven, Heaven down (fallin’ down)
Fallin’ down to this earth, yeah

I hear the sweet sounds of Heaven
Play me somethin’, Stevie

I smell the sweet, sweet scents of Heaven
Comin’ down (comin’ down), comin’ down (comin’ down)
To the earth (from the earth)

Oh, yeah (oh, yeah)
Oh, yeah (oh, yeah)
Oh, yeah (oh, yeah, yeah)
Yes, come on (ooh)
Come on (come on, ooh)
Come on (come on, ooh)
Ooh, ooh, ooh (yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)

Hear the gods laughin’ from above (of Heaven)
Fallin’ down, fallin’ down
(To this earth, oh, oh, oh, oh)
Let me lay down and sleep
Oh, oh, Heaven (Heaven)
Ooh, ooh, oohThe Rolling Stones – Sweet Sounds Of Heaven (feat. Lady Gaga & Stevie Wonder) – Ouvir Música

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