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Letra Música Let There Be Love – Oasis

One, two, three, four
Who kicked a hole in the sky
So the heavens would cry over me?
Who stole the soul from the Sun
In a world come undone at the seams?

Let there be love
Let there be love

I hope the weather is calm
As you sail up your heavenly stream
Suspended clear in the sky are the words
That we sing in our dreams

Let there be love
Let there be love
Let there be love
Let there be love

Come on, baby blue
Shake up your tired eyes
The world is waiting for you
May all your dreaming fill the empty sky
But if it makes you happy
Keep on clapping
Just remember: I’ll be by your side
And if you don’t let go
It’s going to pass you by

Who kicked a hole in the sky
So the heavens would cry over me?
Who stole the soul from the Sun
In a world come undone at the seams?

Let there be love
Let there be love
Let there be love
Let there be love
Let there be love
Let there be love
Let there be love
Let there be love
Let there be loveOasis – Let There Be Love – Ouvir Música

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