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Letra Música All My Life – Foo Fighters

All my life I’ve been searching for something
Something never comes, never leads to nothing
Nothing satisfies, but I’m getting close
Closer to the prize at the end of the rope
All night long, I dream of the day
When it comes around, then it’s taken away
Leaves me with the feeling that I feel the most
The feeling comes to life when I see your ghost
Come down, don’t you resist
You have such a delicate wrist
And if I give it a twist
Something to hold when I lose my grip
Will I find something in there?
To give me just what I need
Another reason to bleed
One by one, hidden up my sleeve
One by one, hidden up my sleeve

Hey, don’t let it go to waste
I love it, but I hate the taste
Weight keeping me down
Hey, don’t let it go to waste
I love it, but I hate the taste
Weight keeping me down

Will I find a believer?
Another one who believes
Another one to deceive
Over and over, down on my knees
If I get any closer
And if you open up wide
And if you let me inside
On and on, I’ve got nothing to hide
On and on, I’ve got nothing to hide

Hey, don’t let it go to waste
I love it, but I hate the taste
Weight keeping me down
Hey, don’t let it go to waste
I love it, but I hate the taste
Weight keeping me down

All my life I’ve been searching for something
Something never comes, never leads to nothing
Nothing satisfies but I’m getting close
Closer to the prize at the end of the rope
All night long I dream of the day
When it comes around, then it’s taken away
Leaves me with the feeling that I feel the most
Feeling come to life when I see your ghost

And I’m done, done, on to the next one
Done, done and I’m on to the next one
Done, done and I’m on to the next one
Done, done and I’m on to the next one
Done, done and I’m on to the next one
Done, done and I’m on to the next one
Done, done and I’m on to the next one
Done, I’m done and I’m on to the next

Done, done, on to the next one
Done, I’m done and I’m on to the next one
Done, done, on to the next one
Done, I’m done and I’m on to the next

Hey, don’t let it go to waste
I love it, but I hate the taste
Weight keeping me down
Hey, don’t let it go to waste
I love it, but I hate the taste
Weight keeping me down

Done, done, on to the next one
Done, I’m done and I’m on to the nextFoo Fighters – All My Life – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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