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Letra Música Away From The Sun – 3 Doors Down

It’s down to this
I’ve got to make this life make sense
Can anyone tell what I’ve done?
I miss the life
I miss the colours of the world
Can anyone tell where I am?
‘Cause now again I’ve found myself so far down
Away from the sun that shines into the darkest place
I’m so far down, away from the sun again
Away from the sun again

I’m over this
I’m tired of livin’ in the dark
Can anyone see me down here?
The feeling’s gone
There’s nothing left to lift me up
Back into the world I know

And now again I’ve found myself so far down
Away from the sun that shines into the darkest place
I’m so far down, away from the sun
That shines to light the way for me
To find my way back into the arms
That care about the ones like me
I’m so far down, away from the sun again

It’s down to this
I’ve got to make this life make sense
And now I can’t tell what I’ve done

Now again I’ve found myself so far down
Away from the sun that shines to light the way for me

‘Cause now again I’ve found myself so far down
Away from the sun that shines into the darkest place
I’m so far down, away from the sun
That shines to light the way for me
To find my way back into the arms
That care about the ones like me
I’m so far down, away from the sun again

Oh, no
I’m gone3 Doors Down – Away From The Sun – Ouvir Música

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