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Letra Música Barely Legal – The Strokes

I didn’t take no shortcuts
I spent the money that I saved up
Oh, mamma running out of luck
But like my sister, don’t give a fuck
I wanna steal your innocence
To me, my life, it don’t make any sense
These strange manners, I loved’em so
Why won’t you wear your new trenchcoat?
I should have worked much harder
I should have just not bothered
I never show up on weekdays
That’s something that you learned yesterday
Drive you to work and you’ll be on time
These little problems, they’re not yours, they’re mine
Come on, listen to what I say
I’ve got some secrets that’ll make you stay

I just want to turn you down
I just want to turn you around
Oh, you ain’t never had nothing I wanted, but
I want it all, I just can’t figure out

And all together it went well
We made pretend, we were best friends
Then she said “Oh you’re a freak”
They ordered me to make mistakes
Together again, like the beginning
It all works somehow in the end
The things we did, the things you hide
But for the record it’s between you and I

I didn’t take no shortcuts
I spent the money that I saved up
Oh, mamma running out of luck
And like my sister, don’t give a fuck
I wanna steal your innocence
To me, my life, it just don’t make any sense
Oh, strange manners I loved’em so
Why won’t you wear your new trenchcoat?

I just want to misbehave
I just want to be your slave
You ain’t never had nothing I wanted, but
I want it all, I just can’t figure out

And all together it went well
We made pretend we were best friends
Then she said: Oh I can wait
They ordered me to make mistakes
Together again, like the beginning
It all works somehow in the end
The things we did, the things you hide
But for the record it’s between you and IThe Strokes – Barely Legal – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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