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Letra Música I Know It’s Over – The Smiths

Oh, mother, I can feel
The soil falling over my head
And as I climb into an empty bed
Oh, well
Enough said
I know it’s over, still I cling
I don’t know where else I can go

Oh, mother, I can feel
The soil falling over my head
See, the sea wants to take me
The knife wants to slit me
Do you think you can help me?

Sad veiled bride, please, be happy
Handsome groom, give her room
Loud, loutish lover, treat her kindly
Though she needs you more than she loves you

And I know it’s over, still I cling
I don’t know where else I can go
Over and over, and over and over
Over and over

I know it’s over
And it never really began
But in my heart it was so real
And you even spoke to me and said

If you’re so funny
Then why are you on your own tonight?
And if you’re so clever
Then why are you on your own tonight?

If you’re so very entertaining
Then why are you on your own tonight?
If you’re so very good-looking
Why do you sleep alone tonight?

I know
‘Cause tonight is just like any other night
That’s why you’re on your own tonight
With your triumphs and your charms
While they’re in each other’s arms

It’s so easy to laugh, it’s so easy to hate
It takes strength to be gentle and kind
Over, over, over, over
It’s so easy to laugh, it’s so easy to hate
It takes guts to be gentle and kind
Over, over

Love is natural and real
But not for you, my love
Not tonight, my love
Love is natural and real
But not for such as you and I
My love

Oh, mother, I can feel
The soil falling over my head, oh
Mother, I can feel
The soil falling over my head, oh, oh

Mother, I can feel
The soil falling over my head
Mother, I can feel
The soil falling over my head

Oh, mother, I can feel
The soil falling over my head
Oh, mother, I can feel
The soil falling over my head

Oh, mother, I can feel
The soil falling over my head
Oh, mother, I can feel
The soil falling over my headThe Smiths – I Know It’s Over – Ouvir Música

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