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Letra Música Stuck With Me – The Neighbourhood

Now I’m feeling guilty for it
Didn’t wanna leave
I got caught up in the forest
Hangin’ with the trees
Realised I’m less important
Than I thought I’d be
I’m not tellin’ you for any certain reason but
Now I’m feelin’ guilty for it
I didn’t wanna leave, no
I got caught up in the forest
Hangin’ with the trees, yeah, yeah
Realised I’m less important, oh, yeah
Than I thought I’d be, yeah
I’m not tellin’ you for any certain reasons but
I just want your empathy

Our lives keep on gettin’ shorter
Losin’ opportunity
There might be some other ways of looking at it but
That’s just what I see
I been gettin’ over myself
Thinkin’ about what you need
Then I realised that neither of us matter
What’s reality, yeah?

You are stuck with me
So I’ll guess I’ll be sticking with
You are stuck with me
So I’ll guess I’ll be sticking with you

You couldn’t be more different than me
So each time we agree
I feel fulfilled
You always end up stickin’ to me
Somehow, somehow

You are stuck with me
So I’ll guess I’ll be sticking with
You are stuck with me
So I’ll guess I’ll be sticking with
You are stuck with me
So I’ll guess I’ll be sticking with
You are stuck with me
So I’ll guess I’ll be sticking with
You are stuck with me
So I’ll guess I’ll be sticking with
You are stuck with me
So I’ll guess I’ll be sticking with
You are stuck with me
So I’ll guess I’ll be sticking with
You are stuck with me
So I’ll guess I’ll be sticking with

You are stuck with me
So I’ll guess I’ll be sticking with
You are stuck with me
So I’ll guess I’ll beThe Neighbourhood – Stuck With Me – Ouvir Música

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