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Letra Música Stargazing – The Neighbourhood

Take it from the top
If I start, I just can’t stop
All the patience that I’ve got
It’s not enough to save me
It’s a race against the clock
But we don’t wanna watch
Keep running till we’re lost
You got me thinkin’
Pull it out of park, put it in drive
I can feel your heart beatin’ with mine
Underneath the stars, lookin’ for a sign
Glowin’ in the dark till the Sun shines
We made it pretty far on the first try
Might’ve set the bar a little too high
Started with a spark now we’re on fire
Started with a spark

Ooh-ooh, baby
You take me on a ride
Gonna drive me crazy
Ooh-ooh, baby
I feel like we’ve made it pretty far
Now we’re stargazing

Push until it pops
Tryna clear my thoughts
Better keep the A/C on for me
Not enough, yeah
Windows start to fog
Clothing coming off
Makin’ it too hot
You got me thinkin’

Pull it out of park, put it in drive
I can feel your heart beatin’ with mine
Underneath the stars, lookin’ for a sign
Glowin’ in the dark till the Sun shines
We made it pretty far on the first try
Might’ve set the bar a little too high, yeah
It started with a spark now we’re on fire

Ooh-ooh, baby
You take me on a ride
Gonna drive me crazy
Ooh-ooh, baby
I feel like we’ve made it pretty far
Now we’re stargazing

Ooh-ooh, baby
I feel like we’ve made it pretty farThe Neighbourhood – Stargazing – Ouvir Música

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