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Letra Música Softcore – The Neighbourhood

You’ve been my muse for a long time
You get me through every dark night
I’m always gone, out on the go
I’m on the run and you’re home alone
I’m too consumed with my own life
Are we too young for this?
Feels like I can’t move

Sharing my heart
It’s tearing me apart
But I know I’d miss you, baby, if I left right now
Doing what I can, tryna be a man
And every time I kiss you, baby
I can hear the sound of breaking down

I’ve been confused as of late (yeah)
Watching my youth slip away (yeah)
You’re like the Sun, you wake me up
But you drain me out if I get too much
I might need you or I’ll break

Are we too young for this?
Feels like I can’t move

Sharing my heart
It’s tearing me apart
But I know I’d miss you, baby, if I left right now
Doing what I can, tryna be a man
And every time I kiss you, baby
I can hear the sound of breaking down

(Breaking down, breaking down, breaking down)
(Breaking down, breaking down, breaking down)

I don’t want to play this part
But I do, all for you
I don’t want to make this hard
But I will ‘cause I’m still

Sharing my heart
It’s tearing me apart
But I know I’d miss you, baby, if I left right now
(I know I would)
Doing what I can, tryna be a man (be your man)
And every time I kiss you, baby
I can hear the sound of breaking down

Sharing my bed, ooh
Sharing my bread, yeah
Sharing my bread
Sharing my head
(I’m breaking down)

Sharing my heart
Sharing my, suddenly I’m
(Breaking down)
Sharing, I’m done
Sharing my lifeThe Neighbourhood – Softcore – Ouvir Música

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