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Letra Música Female Robbery – The Neighbourhood

I think I found hell
I think I found something
I think I found something in my TV screen
I think I found out that I have nothing
That I have nothing in this place for me
I watched it all in my head, perfect sense
They’ll take me from me my bed
Leave everything that is worth a single cent and just take me instead
That TV show
I saw as I feel asleep
Had me on both my knees
Praying to whatever is in heaven please send me a felon
And don’t let the police know

Anything, anything
Don’t tell them anything
Anything, please

Anything, anything
Don’t tell them anything
Anything, please

I think I can tell
I think I can tell them
Tell them they were made for me
I’m thinking they’ll know, know it already

I’m thinking they’ll know just about everything
I bet they planned it all out
Like the shows
Went everywhere I go
Walked into the store right behind me
Stood in line right beside me and followed me to my home
I’m sure they figured it out early on
That I would never run
That they could shoot but that’s not fun
‘Cause then they’re killing their stolen son

Anything, anything
Don’t tell them anything
Anything, please

Anything, anything
Don’t tell them anything
Anything, please

We’re gonna dieThe Neighbourhood – Female Robbery – Ouvir Música

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