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Letra Música Runaways – The Killers

Blonde hair blowing in the summer wind
A blue-eyed girl playing in the sand
I’ve been on her trail for a little while
But that was the night that she broke down and held my hand
The teenage rush, she said:
Ain’t we all just runaways? We got time
But that ain’t much
We can’t wait ‘till tomorrow

You gotta know that this is real, baby
Why you wanna fight it?
It’s the one thing you can’t choose

We got engaged on a Friday night
I swore on the head of our unborn child
That I could take care of the three of us
But I got the tendency to slip when the nights get wild
It’s in my blood
She said she might just runaway to somewhere else, some place good
We can’t wait ‘till tomorrow

You gotta know that this is real, baby
Why you wanna fight it?
It’s the one thing you can’t choose

Let’s take a chance, baby, we can’t lose
Ain’t we all just runaways?

I knew it when I met you
I’m not gonna let you runaway

I knew it when I held you
I wasn’t letting go

We used to look at the stars and confess our dreams
Hold each other ‘till the morning light
We used to laugh now we only fight
Baby, are you lonesome now?

At night I come home after they go to sleep
Like a stumbling ghost, i haunt this house
There’s a picture of us on our wedding day
I recognize the girl but I can’t settle in this walls

We can’t wait ‘till tomorrow

Now we’re caught up in the appeal
Baby, why you wanna hide it?
It’s the last thing on my mind
I turn the engine over and my body just comes alive

Ain’t we all just runaways
I knew it when I met you
I’m not gonna let you runaway

I knew it when I held you
I wasn’t letting go
Ain’t we all just runaways?The Killers – Runaways – Ouvir Música

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