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Letra Música Atlantis – Seafret

The birds have left their trees
The light pours onto me
I can feel you lying there, all on your own
We got here the hard way
All those words that we exchange
Is it any wonder things get broke?

‘Cause in my heart and in my head
I’ll never take back the things I said
So high above, I feel it coming down

She said: In my heart and in my head
Tell me why this has to end
Oh, no
Oh, no

I can’t save us, my Atlantis, we fall
We built this town on shaky ground
I can’t save us, my Atlantis, oh, no
We built it up to pull it down

Now all the birds have fled
The hurt just leaves me scared
Losing everything I’ve ever known

It’s all become too much
Maybe I’m not built for love
If I knew that I could reach you, I would go

It’s in my heart and in my head
You can’t take back the things you said
So high above, I feel it coming down

And she said: In my heart and in my head
Tell me why this has to end
Oh, no
Oh, no

I can’t save us, my Atlantis, we fall
We built this town on shaky ground
I can’t save us, my Atlantis, oh, no
We build it up to pull it down

And we build it up and we build it up
And we build it up to pull it down
And we build it up and we build it up
And we build it up to pull it down

I can’t save us, my Atlantis, we fall
We built this town on shaky ground
I can’t save us, my Atlantis, oh, no
We build it up to pull it downSeafret – Atlantis – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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