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Letra Música Easily – Red Hot Chili Peppers

Easily let’s get carried away
Easily let’s get married today
Shao Lin shouted a rose
From his throat
Everything must go
A lickin’ stick is thicker
When you break it to show
Everything must go
The story of a woman on the morning of a war
Remind me if you will exactly what we’re fighting for

Calling calling for something in the air
Calling calling I know you must be there

Easily let’s get caught in a wave
Easily we won’t get caught in a cave
Shao Lin’s shakin’ for the sake of his soul
Everything must go
Lookin’ mighty tired of
All the thing that you own
Everything must go

I can’t tell you who to idolize
You think it’s almost over
But it’s only on the rise
Calling calling
For something in the air
Calling calling I know you must be there

The story of a woman on the morning of a war
Remind me if you will exactly what we’re fighting for

Throw me to the wolves
Because there’s order in the pack
Throw me to the sky
Because I know I’m coming back

Shao Lin’s shakin’ for the sake of his soul
Everything must go
Lookin’ mighty tired of
All the thing that you own
Everything must go

The story of a woman on the morning of a war
Remind me if you will exactly what we’re fighting for

Calling calling for something in the air
Calling calling I know you must be there

I don’t want to be your little research monkey boy
The creature that I am is only going to destroy

Throw me to the wolves
Because there’s order in the pack
Throw me to the sky
Because I know I’m coming backRed Hot Chili Peppers – Easily – Ouvir Música

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