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Letra Música Little Dark Age – MGMT

Breathing in the dark
Lying on its side
The ruins of the day
Painted with a scar
And the more I straighten out
The less it wants to try
The feelings start to rot
One wink at a time
Oh, forgiving who you are
For what you stand to gain
Just know that if you hide
It doesn’t go away
When you get out of bed
Don’t end up stranded
Horrified with each stone
On the stage
My little dark age

Picking through the cards
Knowing what’s nearby
The carvings on the face
Say they find it hard
And the engine’s failed again
All limits of disguise
The humor’s not the same
Coming from denial

Oh, I grieve in stereo
The stereo sounds strange
I know that if you hide
It doesn’t go away
If you get out of bed
And find me standing all alone
Burn the page
My little dark age

I grieve in stereo
The stereo sounds strange
You know that if it hides
It doesn’t go away
If I get out of bed
You’ll see me standing all alone
On the stage
My little dark age

Giddy with delight
Seeing what’s to come
The image of the dead
Dead ends in my mind

Policemen swear to God
Love’s seeping from their guns
I know my friends and I
Would probably turn and run
If you get out of bed
Come find us standing on the bridge
Bring a stone
All the rage
My little dark age

I grieve in stereo
The stereo sounds strange
I know that if you hide
It doesn’t go away
If you get out of bed
And find me standing all alone
Burn the page
My little dark age

All alone
Burn the page
My little dark ageMGMT – Little Dark Age – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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