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Letra Música Fear For Nobody – Måneskin

I don’t have fear, I will survive
And I’ve been begging, begging myself
Please don’t close your eyes
I don’t have tears, I’ve cried it all
I heard a voice that’s inside me
She says: Please take what you want
And I’ve been begging you, begging you
Please show me, please show me who I am
I’m begging you, begging you
Please show me, please show me who I am
I’m begging you, begging you
Please show me, please show me who I am
I’m begging you, begging you

I have no fear for no-
I have no fear for nobody
I have no fear for nobody
I have no fear for nobody, nobody now
I have no fear for nobody
I have no fear for nobody
I have no fear for nobody, nobody now

I’m staying here and I’m not lying
And I’ve been beating on
Beating on my chest I’m ready to fight
This is not a dream, this is the truth
This is my story and I count it
We don’t give a fuck ‘bout you

And I’ve been begging you, begging you
Please show me, please show me who I am
I’m begging you, begging you
Please show me, please show me who I am
I am begging you, begging you
Please show me, please show me who I am
I am begging you, begging you

I have no fear for no-
I have no fear for nobody
I have no fear for nobody
I have no fear for nobody, nobody now
I have no fear for nobody
I have no fear for nobody
I have no fear for nobody, nobody

‘Cause I’m begging you, begging you
Please show me, please show me who I am
I’m begging you, begging you
Please show me, please show me who I am
I’m begging you, begging you
Please show me, please show me who I am
I’m begging you, begging you
Please show me, please show me who I am

I’m begging you, begging you
Please show me, please show me who I am
I’m begging you, begging you
Please show me, please show me who I am
I’m begging you, begging you
Please show me, please show me who I am
I’m begging you, begging you

I have no fear for nobody
I have no fear for nobody
I have no fear for nobody, nobody now
I have no fear for nobody
I have no fear for nobody
I have no fear for nobody, nobody nowMåneskin – Fear For Nobody – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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