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Letra Música Fighting Myself – Linkin Park

Now, sometimes these thoughts in my head speak so loud
Every little thing that I think about just build on top of the pain and doubt
Even though I wanna just let it out, I
Try to act like I don’t mind it, try to keep my mouth so quiet
But sittin’ there in my silence, just seems to amplify it
When I thought that keepin’ this inside would make it better
I never thought that I would end up ruining it forever
But everytime I think I got everything put back together
I end up making more regrets, making more regrets
Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could’ve changed it all from the start
Fighting myself, I always lose
Fighting myself, I always lose

I didn’t want you to think I’m worn out so easily
I wish I’d held it in, so you never knew what built up inside of me
Now, I don’t know how it overflows, spill out unwillingly
But now, everything that I learned to hate came out for you to see
I don’t want you to promise you can change everything and make it better
‘Cause you can bet I’m gonna end up ruining it forever
And everytime you think you got everything put back together
I end up making more regrets, making more regrets

Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could’ve changed it all from the start
Fighting myself, I always lose
Fighting myself, I always lose

Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could’ve changed it all from the start
Fighting myself, I always lose
Fighting myself, I always lose

I can’t run with this weight on my back
I can’t see ‘cause I’m focused on the past
I can’t breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside me

I can’t run with this weight on my back
I can’t see ‘cause I’m focused on the past
I can’t breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me

Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could’ve changed it all from the start
I can’t breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me

Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could’ve changed it all from the start
I can’t breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of meLinkin Park – Fighting Myself – Ouvir Música

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