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Letra Música Zero – Imagine Dragons

I find it hard to say the things I want to say the most
Find a little bit of steady as I get close
Find a balance in the middle of the chaos
Send me low, send me high, send me never demigod
I remember walking in the cold of November
Hoping that I make it to the end of December
27 years and the end on my mind
But holding to the thought of another time

But looking to the ways of the ones before me
Looking for the path of the young and lonely
I don’t wanna hear about what to do
I don’t wanna do it just to do it for you

Hello, hello
Let me tell you what it’s like to be a zero, zero
Let me show you what it’s like to always feel, feel
Like I’m empty and there’s nothing really real, real
I’m looking for a way out

Hello, hello
Let me tell you what it’s like to be a zero, zero
Let me show you what it’s like to never feel, feel
Like I’m good enough for anything that’s real, real
I’m looking for a way out

I find it hard to tell you how I wanna run away
I understand it always makes you feel a certain way
I find a balance in the middle of the chaos
Send me up, send me down, send me ‘nother demigod

I remember walking in the heat of the summer
Wide-eyed one with a mind full of wonder
27 years and I’ve nothing to show
Falling from the dove to the dark of the crow

Looking to the ways of the ones before me
Looking for the path of the young and lonely
I don’t wanna hear about what to do, no
I don’t wanna do it just to do it for you

Hello, hello
Let me tell you what it’s like to be a zero, zero
Let me show you what it’s like to always feel, feel
Like I’m empty and there’s nothing really real, real
I’m looking for a way out

Hello, hello
Let me tell you what it’s like to be a zero, zero
Let me show you what it’s like to never feel, feel
Like I’m good enough for anything that’s real, real
I’m looking for a way out

Let me tell you ‘bout it
Well, let me tell you ‘bout it
Maybe you’re the same as me
Let me tell you ‘bout it
Well, let me tell you ‘bout it
They say the truth will set you free

Hello, hello
Let me tell you what it’s like to be a zero, zero
Let me show you what it’s like to always feel, feel
Like I’m empty and there’s nothing really real, real
I’m looking for a way out

Hello, hello
Let me tell you what it’s like to be a zero, zero
Let me show you what it’s like to never feel, feel
Like I’m good enough for anything that’s real, real
I’m looking for a way outImagine Dragons – Zero – Ouvir Música

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