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Letra Música My Life – Imagine Dragons

Can I wish on a star for another life?
‘Cause it feels like I’m all on my own tonight
And I find myself in pieces
There are pills on the table and a thought in my head
And I walk through the halls where I used to be led
My heart is filled with reasons
I’m trying to be somebody else
I’m finding it hard to love myself
I’ve wanted to be somebody new
But that is impossible to do

I’m running out of my mind
Is this really my life?
I’m running out of time
Is this really my life, my life?

I could run from it all but I’d only get lost
Oh, I’ve walked down the bridge that I shouldn’t have crossed
And I find myself, a user
Oh, I wake every day with addictions to feed
They all call me a friend but I’ll never be freed
From the face of a faithless future

I’m trying to be somebody else
I’m finding it hard to love myself
I’ve wanted to be somebody new
But that is impossible to do

I’m running out of my mind
Is this really my life?
I’m running out of time
Is this really my life, my life?

These years pass by and we’re growing older
And I think of you, oh, we’ve made it through
Some have passed away, some have moved on
But I’m still here today (I’m here today)

These years pass by and I’m growing older
And I think of you, now we’ve made it through
Some have passed away, there’s no words to say
No second tries, is this my life?
And I think of you

I’m running out of my mind
Is this really my life?
I’m running out of time
Is this really my life, my life?Imagine Dragons – My Life – Ouvir Música

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