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Letra Música Love – Imagine Dragons

It’s been a long time coming, coming
Seeming like we all been running, running
Feeling like the wild west, gunning, gunning
Listen to our elders shunning, shunning
Flipping on the news, be talking, talking
All about the problems, shocking, shocking
We put on our headphones walking, walking
We put on our headphones
Where did we all go wrong?
Love, love, love, love
Lo-lo-lo-love, love, love
Lo-lo-lo-love, love, love
Lo-lo-lo-love, love, love
Where did we all, where did we all go wrong?

All I see is faces, color, color
All the other races, other, other
Why couldn’t you just be my brother, brother?
We don’t have to kill one another, kill one another
All around the world, we are one, we are one
All around the world, we are one

So where did we all go wrong?
Love, love, love, love
Lo-lo-lo-love, love, love
Lo-lo-lo-love, love, love
Lo-lo-lo-love, love, love
Where did we all, where did we all go wrong?
Love, love, love, love
(Darkness control the dark)
Lo-lo-lo-love, love, love
(Love is our only hope)
Lo-lo-lo-love, love, love
Lo-lo-lo-love, love, love
Where did we all, where did we all go wrong?

‘Cause we got the same blood, blood
We got the same blood, blood
Will it be enough, enough?
Will it be enough?
We got the same heartbeat
We’re living for the same dreams
We got the same bloodstream
Where did we all go wrong?

Where did we all, where did we all go wrong?
Love, love, love, love
(Darkness control the dark)
Lo-lo-lo-love, love, love
(Love is our only hope)
Lo-lo-lo-love, love, love, oh
Lo-lo-lo-love, love, love

Where did we all, where did we all go wrong?
Where did we all, where did we all?
Where did we all, where did we all? (oh)
Where did we all, where did we all?
Where did we all, where did we all go wrong?
Love, love, love
Where did we all, where did we all?
Lo-lo-lo-love, love, love
Where did we all, where did we all?
Lo-lo-lo-love, love, love
Where did we all, where did we all go wrong?Imagine Dragons – Love – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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