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Letra Música Skin And Bones – Cage The Elephant

Close my eyes and drift into the silence
Barely see the ultraviolet
Slipped and fell into the deep end
Oh, the sidewalk shimmer just like diamonds
All the empty words were flying
Well, the heart was low, but I never was alone
I never was alone
I’ve been running for so long
All that’s left is skin and bones
Close my eyes, fight to carry on
Sometimes it makes no sense at all
If I stumble, will I fall?
If I fall, I’ll tuck and roll
Close my eyes and let the love-light guide me home
Let the love-light guide me home

One step fades and falls into another
I’m not getting any further
Left you feeling like an alien
All the shining sidewalks, they were lying
Lost myself while I was hiding
And the heart was low, but I never was alone
I never was alone

I’ve been running for so long
All that’s left is skin and bones
Close my eyes, fight to carry on
Sometimes it makes no sense at all
If I stumble, will I fall?
If I fall, I’ll tuck and roll
Close my eyes and let the love-light guide me home
Let the love-light guide me home

Hearts are empty almost all the time
Blind devising ways to lead the blind
And it seems as if there’s no end in sight
I don’t wanna be there when it all goes down
But if I gotta be there, don’t let me hit the ground
Can I hit the ground?

I’ve been running for so long
All that’s left is skin and bones
Close my eyes, fight to carry on
Sometimes it makes no sense at all
If I stumble, will I fall?
If I fall, I’ll tuck and roll
Close my eyes and let the love-light guide me home
Let the love-light guide me home
Let the love-light guide me homeCage The Elephant – Skin And Bones – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

Tracklist Mais Tocadas - Giro Musical 2023

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