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Letra Música When The Sun Goes Down – Arctic Monkeys

I said: Who’s that girl there?
I wonder what went wrong
So that she had to roam the streets
She don’t do major credit cards
I doubt she does receipts
It’s all not quite legitimate
And what a scummy man
Just give him half a chance
I bet he’ll rob you if he can
Can see it in his eyes, yeah
That he’s got a driving ban
Amongst some other offences

And I’ve seen him with girls of the night
And he told Roxanne to put on her red light
They’re all infected but he’ll be alright
‘Cause he’s a scumbag, don’t you know?
I said he’s a scumbag, don’t you know?

Although you’re trying not to listen
Avert your eyes and staring at the ground
She makes a subtle proposition
I’m sorry, love, I’ll have to turn you down

And oh, he must be up to summat
What are the chances? Sure it’s more than likely
I’ve got a feeling in my stomach
I start to wonder what his story might be
What his story might be, yeah

They said it changes when the sun goes down
Yeah, they said it changes when the sun goes down
And they said it changes when the sun goes down
Around here
Around here

And look, here comes a Ford Mondeo
Isn’t he Mr. Inconspicuous?
And he don’t even have to say owt
She’s in the stance ready to get picked up

Bet she’s delighted when she sees him
Pulling in and giving her the eye
Because she must be fucking freezing
Scantily clad beneath the clear night sky
It doesn’t stop in the winter, no

And they said it changes when the sun goes down
Yeah, they said it changes when the sun goes down
And they said it changes when the sun goes down
Around here

Well, they said it changes when the sun goes down
Over the river going out of town
They said it changes when the sun goes down
Around here
Around here

And what a scummy man
Just give him half a chance
I bet he’ll rob you if he can
Can see it in his eyes, yeah
That he’s got a nasty plan
I hope you’re not involved at allArctic Monkeys – When The Sun Goes Down – Ouvir Música

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