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Letra Música Crying Lightning – Arctic Monkeys

Outside the cafe by the cracker factory
You were practicing a magic trick
And my thoughts got rude
As you talked and chewed on the last of your pick and mix
Said: You’re mistaken if you’re thinking that I haven’t been called cold before
As you bit into your Strawberry Lace
And then I flip in your attention in the form of a Gobstopper
It’s all you had left and it was going to waste

Your past-times consisted of the strange
And twisted and deranged
And I loved that little game
You had called
Crying lightning
And how you liked to aggravate
The ice-cream man on rainy afternoons

The next time that I caught my own reflection
It was on its way to meet you
Thinking of excuses to postpone
You never looked like yourself from the side
But your profile could not hide
The fact you knew I was approaching your throne

With folded arms, you occupied the bench like toothache
Stood and puffed your chest out like you’d never lost a war
And I know I tried so not to suffer the indignity of a reaction
There was no cracks to grasp or gaps to claw

And your past-times consisted of the strange
And twisted and deranged
And I hate that little game
You had called
Crying lightning
And how you like to aggravate
The icky man on rainy afternoons

But not half as impossible as everyone assumes you are
Crying lightning

Your past-times consisted of the strange
And twisted and deranged
And I hate that little game
You had called
Crying lightning
Crying lightning
Crying lightning
Crying lightning

Your past-times consisted of the strange
And twisted and deranged
And I hate that little game
You had called
CryingArctic Monkeys – Crying Lightning – Ouvir Música

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