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Letra Música Stuck On The Puzzle – Alex Turner

I’m not the kind of fool who’s gonna sit and sing to you
About stars, girl
But last night I looked up into the dark half of the blue
And they’d gone backwards
Something in your magnetism must have pissed them off
Forcing them to get an early night
I have been searching from the bottom to the top
For such a sight as the one I caught when I saw your

Fingers dimming the lights
Like you’re used to being told that you’re trouble
And I spent all night
Stuck on the puzzle

Nobody I asked knew how he came to be the one
To whom you surrendered
Any man who wasn’t led away into the other room
Stood pretending

That something in your magnetism hadn’t just made him drop
Whoever’s hand it was that he was holding
I have been searching from the bottom to the top
For such a sight as the one I caught when I saw your

Fingers dimming the lights
Like you’re used to being told that you’re trouble
And I spent all night
Stuck on the puzzle

I tried to swim to the side
But my feet got caught in the middle
And I thought I’d seen the light
But oh, no
I was just stuck on the puzzle
Stuck on the puzzleAlex Turner – Stuck On The Puzzle – Ouvir Música

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Tracklist Mais Tocadas - Giro Musical 2023

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