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Letra Música The Good Left Undone – Rise Against

In fields where nothing grew but weeds
I found a flower at my feet
Bending there in my direction
I wrapped a hand around its stem
And pulled until the roots gave in
Finding there what I’ve been missing
And I know
So I tell myself, I tell myself, it’s wrong
There’s a point we passed from which we can’t return
I felt the cold rain of the coming storm

All because of you
I haven’t slept in so long
When I do, I dream
Of drowning in the ocean
Longing for the shore
Where I can lay my head down
I’ll follow your voice
All you have to do is
Shout it out

Inside my hands these petals browned
Dried up, falling to the ground
But it was already too late now
I pushed my fingers through the earth
Returned this flower to the dirt
So it could live, I walked away now
But I know

Not a day goes by that I don’t feel this burn
There’s a point we passed from which we can’t return
I felt the cold rain of the coming storm

All because of you
I haven’t slept in so long
When I do, I dream
Of drowning in the ocean
Longing for the shore
Where I can lay my head down
I’ll follow your voice
All you have to do is
Shout it out

All because of you
All because of you

All because of you
I haven’t slept in so long
When I do, I dream
Of drowning in the ocean
Longing for the shore
Where I can lay my head down
Inside these arms of yours

All because of you
I believe in angels
Not the kind with wings
No, not the kind with halos
The kind that bring you home
When home becomes a strange place
I’ll follow your voice
All you have to do is
Shout it out

Rise Against – The Good Left Undone – Ouvir Música

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